
Attendance & Behaviour

Treating our young people with the respect they deserve.


Attendance and Absences

Student Absence

If your child is going to be absent from school please contact the attendance team before 9am on 01752 284250 to leave a voicemail or email attendance@utcplymouth.org to provide a reason for absence. Please note that, unless otherwise agreed, you will need to call every day of the absence.

Examples of authorised absences include:

● Illness - absence of 5 or more days will require proof of continued absence (i.e prescribed medication)

● Medical appointments - please see below

● Unavoidable cause (this means an unusual/extraordinary event that couldn’t be avoided)

● A specified, limited period for an immediate family member's bereavement, crisis or serious illness

● A funeral of an immediate family member

Examples of unauthorised absences include:

● School refusal

● Having no uniform/shoes

● Family holiday

● Bullying

Further examples can be found here: https://www.plymouth.gov.uk/school-attendance-absence-and-penalty-notices

If we have not been provided with a reason for absence a text message will be sent and a phone call home will be made as a safeguarding measure. We want to ensure that your child is safe and not expected into school, please help us to do this by informing us of any absences as soon as possible.

Failure to provide a reason will result in the absence being unauthorised after 5 school days.

Medical Appointments

Please arrange for medical appointments to be outside of school hours. If this is not possible, proof of the appointment will need to be provided so we can authorise the absence. This could include:

● Appointment letter

● Reminder text/email

Please note that only a half day is authorised and unless otherwise agreed, the student is required to attend either before or after the appointment. Failure to provide medical evidence will result in the absence being unauthorised.

Planned absence

If you require a period of absence for your child, an Absence Request Form must be completed at least 20 school days prior to the required absence. We will respond to the request within 5 school days with the decision. Please note that requests for a family holiday cannot be authorised.

The form can be collected from main reception, downloaded from the Plymouth City Council website or please click the attached link.

Absence Request Form 2024

Late arrival to school

Please ensure that your child arrives at school on time so essential learning time is not missed. They must sign in at reception when they arrive. Should your child arrive after 9.30am, which is when our registers close, this will be marked as an unauthorised absence.

Being 15 minutes late a day equals missing 2 weeks of school a year!

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