

The policy of safeguarding, and it's associated procedures and protocols, is based on the principles that are at the heart of UTC Plymouth.

We aim to promote an environment which values the students and staff who work within the organisation. We aim to build self-esteem, model conflict resolution, protect the weak and are committed to justice and support for those who need it. Mutual respect and trust are central to the ethos of the UTC.

Important Documents

HM Keeping Children Safe in Education

Contact us

Please telephone the College during school hours to speak to one of the Safeguarding Team on telephone 01752 284250

Holiday and out-of-office hours contact safeguardingteam@utcplymouth.org or via mobile 07756772773

Please note that we cannot keep safeguarding concerns about students confidential and may need to pass information onto Children’s Social Care or the Police to investigate further.

Other important contacts

Early help advice service - https://www.plymouth.gov.uk/plymouth-early-help-and-send-advice-line

Plymouth Child Protection urgent advice 01752 668000

Plymouth Out of Hours Service – 01752 346984

Local Safeguarding Board – 01752 307144

Local Authority Designated Officer – Sally Parma LADO@plymouth.gov.uk

For more information about the role of the Local Authority Designated Officer, please download this leaflet

NSPCC Helpline – Counsellors are available 24 hours a day and can provide an independent first line of contact for those who may otherwise be unsure where to turn. Any adult worried about the welfare of a child can call the NSPCC’s Helpline on 0808 800 5000, text 88858 or email help@nspcc.org.uk

To access the current list of important contacts please go to http://www.proceduresonline.com/swcpp/plymouth/contacts.html

Our policies and procedures are consistent with South West Child Protection procedures (for further details please see www.swcpp.org.uk) and respond to the statutory guidance outlined in Keeping Children Safe in Education.

Preventing Extremism and Radicalisation – You can access this parents’ guide

Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) – You can access this parents’ guide

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